Saturday, January 18, 2014

Mission Accomplished

In an attempt to stay positive I will start with the positives of the day:

  • No seizures were recorded last night from 9 PM on. He also did not have any episodes during that time.
  • Throughout the day and night we were able to get a lot of episodes recorded for evaluation tomorrow.
  • We moved to the epilepsy unit so we are much more comfortable and in a better place for the veeg.
  • Bubba has been a trooper - We had a battle last night with the leads, but today he has tolerated his stats checks and he had the best blood draw I have seen in a long time! 
  • We worried about the move upsetting him, but he really took it well. 
  • We can find comfort in familiar faces and appreciate that even though it has been a year and half since our last visit they remember Bubba - just a lot smaller version. One nurse who was on maternity leave for his redo and revision in May/June 2012 remembered him from his shunt in 2010. (Again, as she said a smaller version but he still has the eyes.)
Yes, I know the fact that a unit of nurses as busy as they are remember us may not be a good thing, but it is comforting in some strange way. Tomorrow we hope to have an idea of what they saw or didn't see. Our goal for this admission was simply to get at least one of each of the types of episodes recorded. That means the mission is accomplished in our book. Time to head home tomorrow. Dr. Lachwani said he would call us after he takes a look at everything on Monday. the neurologist on staff suggested we stay until then, but we certainly have other plans. We have what we feel comfortable with accomplished and need to get ready for the week at home. We tried asking our doctor Friday about the what ifs and he reminded us to take it one step at a time..."So what if its NOT seizures?" is a the question left unanswered for a few days. We will get the on staff neurologist impression tomorrow, but will wait until we hear from our doctor to make a plan. The benefit is if it is an at home adjustment our cc neuro works very well with our local neurologist in Ft. Wayne so hopefully it will be a team effort.
For those of you that have seen Bubba sleep you have to laugh that it is midnight and despite being asked and moving him three times from his burrow of blankets and pillows for a the best video Bub is still sleeping like Bub, and I am going to sleep now too!

1 comment:

  1. I completely understand what you mean when you talk about people recognizing him. The people in radiology love Grace. I remind myself that you can never have too many people love your child - but it's also heartbreaking that they only know her because she's had SO MANY CT scans. Very bittersweet. :) Continuing to pray for you!
