Saturday, January 15, 2011

What Makes Our Bubba Special?

Ayden was born a healthy, happy baby boy in November of 2007. At the age of seven months, Ayden suffered a stroke due to herpectic encephalitis. It is amazing how something as small as a cold sore can turn your world upside down, but it did. After beating the odds in the summer of 2008 we thought we were through the worst of it and then he starting seizing a few months later.
In June of 2009 Ayden's sporadic seizure activity increased to hundreds of myoclonic jerks and drop seizures a day. In October of 2009, Ayden underwent a functional hemispherectomy which eliminated his seizures for several months. A shunt was placed in June of 2010 and since then we have seen incredible improvements. Ayden's seizures returned this past fall, but we are trying to manage them with medicine as they are only a handful a day coupled with some sleepless nights. We return to Cleveland Clinic's Monitoring Unit in early February for some answers and a plan.

When he turned 3 this November Ayden started a new and exciting chapter in his life - PRESCHOOL!!! :) He absolutely loves it, and watching him learn and grow is truly delightful for us. His vocabulary has increased from 15 words to 100+, he counts, uses his words (without a battle), and is really trying to walk!  We don't know what Ayden's future holds but we can't wait to find out. So many people have become  integral members of Ayden's "Village" that we want to update everyone. We will do our best to update as much as possible and hope to add some videos soon.  This will be a replacement for our Care Page so if you currently follow us there please note we will be ending that shortly.  
Hope to share more great news with you soon!


  1. Cool! Neat page. Glad preschool is going so well!
    :) mw.

  2. Ayden - you are a miracle, little Mister! We love you guys so much. Part of his biggest blessing is having a strong set of parents who are his best advocates through everything. I admire your dedication and fortitude through this journey. God Bless you all!!!
